Past Events

Elizabeth Kile Retires

After over twenty-five years on the Board of Directors of The Bellevue Historical Society, Elizabeth Kile announced that she would not be entering her name for reelection at the annual meeting in March.  Elizabeth has been a mainstay of the organization and she will be very much missed.  However, she still plans to be an active member.  She will continue to chair the committee for the Sunflower Sale in July and her shop, The Golden Acorn, on South West Street will still sell items for the Society, including Bill Oddo's books.





On June 8, the directors, who are also her friends, feted her at a breakfast at The Long Way Home Family Restaurant and presented her with several tokens of their appreciation for her hard work and diligence over the years she served the Society.  As treasurer, vice-president and president, she led the organization through many projects and events. 


Thank you, Elizabeth, for all that you have done for the Bellevue Historical Society.